
Settembre 9, 2023

Is it a leiomyoma? Challenging cases

Kubik-Huch RA, Weston M, Nougaret S, Leonhardt H, Thomassin-Naggara I, Horta M, Cunha TM, Maciel C, Rockall A, Forstner R. European Society of Urogenital Radiology (ESUR) Guidelines: MR Imaging of Leiomyomas. Eur Radiol. 2018 Aug;28(8):3125-3137. doi: 10.1007/s00330-017-5157-5. Epub 2018 Feb 28. PMID: 29492599; PMCID: PMC6028852. Abdel Wahab C, Jannot AS, Bonaffini PA, Bourillon C, Cornou C, Lefrère-Belda MA, Bats AS, Thomassin-Naggara I, Bellucci A, Reinhold C, Fournier LS. Diagnostic Algorithm to Differentiate Benign Atypical Leiomyomas from Malignant Uterine Sarcomas with Diffusion-weighted MRI. Radiology. 2020 Nov;297(2):361-371. doi: 10.1148/radiol.2020191658. Epub 2020 Sep 15. Erratum in: Radiology. 2020 Dec;297(3):E347. PMID: 32930650. Smith J, Zawaideh JP, Sahin H, Freeman S, Bolton H, Addley HC. Differentiating uterine sarcoma from leiomyoma: BET1T2ER Check!. Br J Radiol 2021; 94: 20201332.
Settembre 9, 2023

The Prostate Imaging Quality Score (PI-QUAL): is inter-reader agreement a factor to consider?

The Prostate Imaging Quality Score (PI-QUAL): is inter-reader agreement a factor to consider? Introduction: In terms of diagnosis, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) stands out for its increasingly evident role in the detection and risk stratification of PCa. Optimal image acquisition is crucial to mantain high confidence on the technique and image quality check is currently considered mandatory. PI-QUAL has emerged as a tool for this but still lacks validation. Aims: The main purpose of this study is to assess the level of agreement between three raters with different levels of experience. Methods: We identified sixty-four patients with PCa in the same University Hospital in 2019. Therefore, three readers applied PI-QUAL Score independently. Results: We observed moderate interrater reliability between three readers of different experience assigning the PI-QUAL category to prostate MRI examinations and slight agreement for most qualitative/anatomical item. Conclusions: This scoring system can be used within commonly accepted levels of agreement, specially if a simplified 3-point scale version is used. However, it is anticipated that the scoring system will need to undergo further refinements. Keywords: Inter-Reader Agreement; Quality standards; Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Prostatic Cancer.
Settembre 9, 2023

Gynecological surgery’s complication: a radiological anatomical based approach to the diagnosis

Gynecological surgery is not free from complications and their correct diagnosis is essential for patient management.Compartmentalization of the pelvic anatomy can assist the radiologist in identifying the correct post surgical complications.
Settembre 9, 2023

mpMRI may improve sensitivity and specificity of low dose short time 18F-PSMA 1007 imaging on a digital PET/CT scanner in low and medium risk prostate cancer patients after radical prostatectomy with biochemical recurrence at ultra-low PSA

PI-RR and PSMA PET/CT seem to be a complementary modalities in detection prostate cancer local recurrence. Up to 15% patients show urinary excretion of 18F-PSMA.
Settembre 9, 2023

Incidental detection on imaging in patients with a diagnosis of prostate cancer – lucky find or poisoned chalice?

This study showed that patients with incidental findings on imaging actually had a statistically significant faster time to treatment than patients without incidental findings, by 4 days.
Settembre 9, 2023

MRI Characteristics of Corpus Luteum with Ovarian Oedema: Can both ovaries be affected?

This poster demonstrates the role of MRI in corpus luteum with ovarian oedema, the important differential diagnoses to consider and the need for follow up imaging to confirm the diagnosis. The case shows that CLOE can affect both ovaries and mimic ovarian torsion or malignancy.
Settembre 9, 2023

Gastric-Type Adenocarcinoma of the Uterine Cervix: Role of Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Diagnosis and Management

Gastric-type adenocarcinoma of the uterine cervix is an aggressive, human papillomavirus-independent subtype carrying poor prognosis, with greater propensity for metastases, and resistance to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Distinctive MRI features of intratumoral cysts, upper endocervical location with endophytic growth, and heterogeneous enhancement which can aid in identification of GAS and differentiation from cervical squamous cell carcinoma and other benign cervical multicystic lesions. Targeted and adequate biopsy on suspicious solid areas identified on MRI is crucial for early definitive histological diagnosis. High soft-tissue resolution of MRI and the use of dedicated double-oblique imaging planes allows accurate local tumour staging. Diffusion-weighted imaging and enhancement pattern make MRI indispensable in differentiating between post-irradiation fibrosis and recurrent tumour on post-treatment follow-up.
Settembre 9, 2023

The role of MRI in vulvar cancer staging according to the ESUR guidelines

Teaching Objectives. To review and illustrate the role of MRI in staging vulvar cancer based on the new European Society of Urogenital Radiology guidelines Review of the topic. Primary vulvar cancer is a rare tumor accounting for approximately 4% of all gynecologic malignancies. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the most usual type (>85% of all vulvar cancers). The most important prognostic factors include the size of the primary tumor and the regional lymph node status. Although imaging is not an integral part of the vulvar cancer FIGO staging, imaging performs an important role and MRI is the imaging modality of choice, according to the European Society of Urogenital Radiology(ESUR) vulvar cancer staging guidelines. Due to its superior tissue resolution, MRI is usually requested to better define the size of the tumor and its anatomic extension to the adjacent structures including the superficial (labia majora, minora, clitoris) and the deeper ones (urethra, vagina, and anus). According to the ESUR guidelines for primary tumors ≤2 cm, confined to the vulva or perineum, and with ≤1 mm of stromal invasion, imaging staging is not recommended. For local staging of SCC with stromal invasion >1 mm, tumor size >4 cm, or tumors with suspicious involvement of the urethra, vagina, or anus MRI should be performed. For tumors >2 cm and ≤4 cm, clinical staging and groin ultrasound or MRI staging are both considered valid options. For regional or locally advanced disease (FIGO stages III–IVA) or suspicious distant metastases (FIGO stage IVB),chest, abdominal and pelvic CT (or PET/CT) is recommended. Conclusion. MRI plays an important role in staging and treatment planning. Although MRI may be best suited for determining the extent of local disease and invasion, it is also helpful in identifying groin nodal metastases, which assist radiation planning.
Settembre 9, 2023

Chronic painful cystitis and ureteric stricture following long term recreational Ketamine use

Ketamine induced urinary tract damage is an important diagnosis to consider in young patients presenting with lower urinary tract symptoms. This poster demonstrates the imaging features and complications following long term use.