
Settembre 2, 2023

Soothing the headache of pregnancy and post-partum neurological complications: A pictorial review

Neurological complications during pregnancy and the post-partum period pose a diagnostic challenge due to their often non-specific symptoms. Headaches, affecting up to 35% of pregnant women, can be the initial sign of a wide range of conditions, from benign migraines to rare life-threatening issues. Radiologists should be well versed on the key imaging features to guide prompt and appropriate management. While CT head is commonly the initial imaging choice due to availability, MRI offers greater sensitivity but comes with practical limitations and safety considerations, especially during pregnancy. Our comprehensive review illustrates the key imaging features of important neurological complications during this critical period, including cerebrovascular conditions (subarachnoid haemorrhage, venous sinus thrombosis, ischaemic stroke, eclamptic encephalopathy, PRES and RCVS), endocrine/metabolic disorders (Sheehan's syndrome and lymphocytic hypophysitis), and common primary CNS conditions that may manifest during pregnancy (neoplasms and multiple sclerosis).
Settembre 2, 2023

Prostate MRI – are we good enough?

This internal audit shows a good accuracy of prostate MRI at our centre.
Settembre 2, 2023

Preoperative MRI assessment of hematometrocolpos with vaginal septum: added value of vaginal gel usage, reporting tips with surgical correlation.

Hematometrocolpos is the accumulation of blood products within uterine cavity and vagina because of anatomical outflow obstruction to menstrual blood passage. Vaginal septum is an important aetiology of obstruction amenable to surgical correction, among other causes such as imperforate hymen and distal vaginal atresia.However, the visualisation of vaginal septum in conventional MRI or ultrasound can be challenging due to lack of contrast between the septum and adjacent vaginal soft tissue. Gel instillation is used to achieve vaginal distension for better delineation for vaginal septum for surgical planning. We present companion cases of pelvic MRI assessment of vaginal septum, with and without vaginal gel instillation, to illustrate the optimized visualisation of vaginal septum with gel usage. Surgical and pathological correlation regarding fibrous nature of vaginal septum characteristics were addressed.
Agosto 30, 2023

The use of an AI software tool for prostate volume measurement on MRI

There is strong correlation between Pi and radiologist’s prostate volumes taken from clinical practice, with a mean absolute percentage difference of 16%. In our smaller cohort of 30 study patients, agreement between Pi and radiologists is somewhat better (mean absolute percentage difference 11-13%), which might reflect more careful measurements by radiologists, and is comparable to inter-radiologist agreement. Pi volume measurements are considered suitable for routine use in clinical practice.
Agosto 30, 2023

To determine the ability of an AI software tool to detect significant prostate cancer on MRI

Patients with significant cancer have a higher median Pi Score than those without, and a higher median Pi Score is associated with a higher Grade Group on biopsy. Pi Score /= 4.5 has a high PPV for significant prostate cancer. AI tools could be used to help triage MRI findings in patients with suspected prostate cancer and might accelerate diagnostic pathways for prostate cancer.
Agosto 30, 2023

Using Low Energy Mono-Energetic CT Reconstruction to Improve Detection of  High-Risk Prostate Cancer

CONCLUSIONS Low energy mono-energetic reconstructions significantly increase lesion attenuation and sensitivity for detection of high-risk prostate cancer.   Use of Low MonoE in clinical practice may aid cancer detection, pending larger studies investigating specificity.